Summer Sessions 2019 Course Syllabus
Course: PSYC-2301- Section: 01
General Psychology
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Instructor Information
Instructor Eric Hernandez
Phone(409) 984-6341
Location:Education Annex - Room: 133
Hours:M 5:00PM - 6:00 PM & W 6:00PM - 9:00PM
General Education and Developmental Studies
Chair:Dr. Michelle Davis
Phone:(409) 984-6341
Course Information
Description General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes PSLO ALPHA: Reading skills - Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading material.
PSLO 1: Critical Thinking Skills - Uses creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
PSLO 2: Communication Skills - Demonstrates effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and/or visual communication.
PSLO 3: Empirical and Quantitative Skills - Applies the manipulation and/or analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
PSLO 5: Social Responsibility Skills - Expresses intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.
Core Objectives * Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and visual communication.
* Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions.
* Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students will demonstrate applications of scientific and mathematical concepts.
* Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate intercultural competency and civic knowledge by engaging effectively in local, regional, national and/or global communities.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Textbooks Good news: your textbook for this class is available for free online! If you prefer, you can also get a print version at a very low cost. Your book is available in web view and PDF for free. You can also choose to purchase on iBooks or get a print version via the campus bookstore or from OpenStax on
You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended --the responsive design works seamlessly on any device. If you buy on Amazon, make sure you use the link on your book page on so you get the official OpenStax print version. (Simple printouts sold by third parties on Amazon are not verifiable and not as high-quality.)
Psychology from OpenStax, ISBN 1938168356,
Lecture Topics
Week 1: Introduction, Research Methods
Week 2: Biopsychology, Exam 1, States of Consciousness
Week 3: Learning, Memory, Intelligence. Exam 2
Week 4: Development, Personality, Social Psychology
Week 5: Exam 3, Stress, Psychological Disorders
Week 6: Therapy& Treatment, Final Exam
Major Assignments

Week 1: Psychological variables assignment
Week 2: Biopsychology, Quiz Exam 1, Sensation & Perception Assignment
Week 3: Memory Quiz, Exam 2
Week 4: APP Assignment (Applied Psychology Presentation)
Week 5: Exam 3, I-O Assignment, Psychological Disorders Quiz
Week 6: Final Exam

Final Exam Date August 14, 2019 - 6:00 PM   Through  August 14, 2019 - 9:00 PM
Grading Scale Based on Total Points

895 - 1000 = A
795 - 894 = B
695 - 794 = C
595 - 694 = D
< 595 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
Exams = 480 points
APP Assignment= 160 points
Homework= 120 points
Quizzes = 120 points
Attendance/Participation = 120 points
Course Policies
Instructor Policies Late Work Policy: Late work will NOT be accepted with the only exception being documented emergencies. If such emergency occurs, contact the instructor immediately and be prepared to provide proof of the emergency. Otherwise, complete all assignments within the unit time frame or on the required due date.

Plagiarism is not tolerated. Minimum failure of the assignment for a first offense. Future offenses result in a grade of F for the course.

Extra Credit
I will NOT offer individual extra credit. However, throughout the semester I may offer various opportunities to the entire class that are optional but highly recommended.

The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus
Attendance Policy Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. The more classes you attend, the more likely it will be for you to experience success in learning. I strongly recommend regular attendance. If you miss a class, get the notes on what you missed in your absence from another student. Some material covered in class may not be in the textbook and may be covered by the exams. Attendance will help you succeed in this course. I do not drop you from the class if you quit coming. It is your responsibility to drop the class if feel it is necessary.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
Facility Policies
  1. No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.

  2. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.

  3. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
Important Information
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
MyLamarPA Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal ( When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA.
Other Note to students
I would really like to speak with you if you have any questions or concerns! It's better to meet early in the course, than to wait until you have a major challenge. No question or concern is too small to discuss together. Most importantly, be assured that I want students to learn and receive the grade they deserve.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.